Additional Team programs at CSA
Additional team programs offered
Team Compulsories
Synchronized Dance Team
If schedule permits additional possible programs:
Theater Production
Kaleidoskate is a program made of 8 to 24 skaters of all ages and levels.
Emphasis should be placed on creating changing formations that resemble what you might see in a kaleidoscope using colors and creative skating.
Production/Theater Production is a program made up of 8 to 24 skater of all ages and levels that shows a constant theme or story using costumes, props and intricate and creative choreography.
Team Compulsories is a group program made up of 6 or 7 skaters depending on the level, that performs specific required elements from the Freestyle 1 - 10 levels. For this program, skaters will require the appropriate ISI skating tests to be a part of these teams. Skaters may not skate below their test level, but may skate up to levels higher than their test level. Skaters will be evaluated for these teams to ensure the skaters are skating levels and elements to their best ability.
Synchronized Dance is a group of 8 to 24 skaters that performs a synchronized skating program that incorporates different types of dance. Such as: Ballet, Hip Hop, Ballroom, Tap, Jazz etc... For this team skaters MUST be freestyle 1 and higher and will be invited to try out. Skaters who try out will be part of the team as either a permanent member or as an alternate.
Additional Information
Practice Info
*Saturday 11am to 1pm on the ice
*Off ice 1:15 - 2:15pm Teen team
*No hoodies or loose fitting clothes. Skaters should be in form fitting attire and zip ups with no hoods.
*Must have sneakers for off ice
*Skaters should bring water and a small snack
*Skaters & Parents will sign a team contract at the beginning of year that lays out all the Do's and Don'ts.
*Skaters & Parents are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times
*Skaters are expected to be on time for all practices.
*Our team uses the Sportsyou app. All parents/guardians will need to be linked to the team through this app. All schedules and updates are posted here to help streamline the amount of emails you receive. YOU are responsible for all communication that is posted on our Sportsyou page. We can see who views our postings.
Competition Info
*Schedules arrive no less than 7 days prior to the event
*Block out ALL dates given for the event as well as the entire day.
*Events can run early or late depending on circumstances or situations that may arise
*Teams may need to stay later than skate time for various reasons.
*Team costumes will be handed out at each event and recollected at each event (unless stated differently)
*Teen team & Synchro Dance team will have glitter in their hair
*The competition dress code for Hair, make-up and anything else put forth by the coaches MUST be adhered to. Absolutely NO variations by adding in your own hair pieces or jewelery of any kind.